Marius Al-Ani und Mexxberg haben so einiges gemeinsam: Beide sind durch jahrelanges Training gestählte Kampfmaschinen. Beide beeindrucken mit harten Strikes. Und beide standen sich noch nie im Unlimited Ring gegenüber. Doch am 29.07.23 in Weiden wird sich das ändern. Bei Unlimited Wrestling: Thunderstorm heißt es, Maschine gegen Maschine, Ausnahmetalent gegen Ausnahmetalent, Al-Ani gegen Mexxberg – zum ersten Mal!
Marius Al-Ani and Mexxberg have a few things in common: Both are fighting machines, forged by years of training. Both are skillfull strikers. And they have never faced each other inside an Unlimited ring. But that will change on July 29, 2023. At Unlimited Wrestling: Thunderstorm, it’s machine against machine, standout against standout, Al-Ani against Mexxberg – for the first time!
Marius Al-Ani and Mexxberg have a few things in common: Both are fighting machines, forged by years of training. Both are skillfull strikers. And they have never faced each other inside an Unlimited ring. But that will change on July 29, 2023. At Unlimited Wrestling: Thunderstorm, it’s machine against machine, standout against standout, Al-Ani against Mexxberg – for the first time!