Großer Rückkampf am 30.11. in Bonn

Kluth! Sein! Piledriver!
Bei FIREWALL kam er wie aus dem Nichts und sicherte Nickolas Kluth die Unlimited Championship.
Bei ICEBREAKER am 30.11.24 will ‘King f’n Kluth’ nun beweisen, dass das mehr war als Glück. In Bonn gewährt Kluth Marius Al-Ani sein Re-Match!
At FIREWALL, Nickolas Kluth was able to hit his signature piledriver out of nowhere, allowing him to finally claim the Unlimited Championship.
At ICEBREAKER on 30/11/24, ‘King f’n Kluth’ now wants to prove that it was more than just a lucky punch. In Bonn, Kluth will grant Marius Al-Ani his re-match!